Bruce Peninsula Tourist Association


Lions Head, Ferndale & Stokes Bay
Area Highlights
Bruce Trail
Fishing at Stokes Bay
Lions Head Lighthouse
Picturesque Harbour
Star Gazing
The calm, peaceful nature of Lions Head calls out to all vacationers. The rugged cliffs and rocky shores of Georgian Bay stage the setting for water adveture; sailing, boating & kayaking. Near to the downtown is a picturesque sandy beach, located just a short walk beyond the promenade.

Area highlights
Bruce Trail
Flowerpot Island
PArks Visitor Centre
Picturesque Harbour
Tobermory is the "Northern Gateway" to the Bruce Peninsula and the Country's permier tourism destination. The cliff ringed harbour, shipwrecks, and Parks Canada Visitor Centre bring elements of both national parks right into downtown.

Sauble Beach
Area Highlights
11km Sand Beach
Farmers Market
Great Shopping
Sauble Beach Sandfest
Sauble Falls
The beach is a soft and impressively long (11km, one of the longest beaches in Ontario), with the very best warm-water swimming and sunning. In the evenings, the sunsets will blow your mind! At night (as on the rest of the Peninsula) the unpoluted night sky will fill you with awe and wonder.

Area Highlights
Beach & Playground
Bruce Trail
Picturesque Harbour
Spirit Rock
Wiarton Willie
Nestled against the towering bluffs of the Niagara Escarpment, Wiarton is a thriving four season community. Founded in 1894, Wiarton is the largest community within the amalgamated municipality of The Town of South Bruce Peninsula.